No Recovery – No Fee
Debt Collections

You only pay for results! 

Our Contingency Pricing


Claims Under 1 Year in Age


Claims Over 1 Year in Age


Claims Under $1000.00


Claims Sent For Litigation

No Recovery – No Fee Collections

How We Collect

Step 1: Claim Investigation

We will run full skip-tracing reports to acquire the debtor’s current assets, liabilities, addresses, phone numbers, emails, associates, and relatives.

Step 2: 3rd Party Collections

Demand Letters, Emails, Text, Faxes, Social Media.

Phone Calls! 

Step 3: Attorney Forwarding

We have an extensive team of over 400 affiliate attorneys and an in-house legal team. 

Our attorney will attempt to collect the payment from their office using their in house collection method’s.

Step 4: Litigation

  • Claim Review:  Is there money and assets to be successful?
  • Pre-Judgment: Filling the initial complaint, serving the debtor, petitioning to include fees and cost associated.
  • Post-Judgment Enforcement Actions: Wage Garnishment / Bank Garnishment / Levy & Execution of Assets / Debtors Exam.

The DCI Difference 


DCI Has the industry’s fastest remittance cycle!
1) Payments Collected Between the 1st – 15th are remitted the following month between the 1st – 5th 

 2) Payments Collected Between the 16th – 31st are remitted the following month between the 16th – 20th 

Payments Made By Wire or ACH are remitted same day! 

debt collectors 

  • Trained – Communication, Breaking Down Documentation, Skip Tracing. 
  • Experience

24/7 Reporting

We offer secure online access where our clients can login to review what is happening on each and every claim placed with our office. We also can customize reports that fit any request you may have.